1. objective. The aggregate impact value gives a relative measure of the
resistance of an aggregate to sudden shock or impact, which in some aggregates
differs from its resistance to a slow compressive load. 5. calculation. The ratio
of the
IS 2386-4 (1963): Methods of test for aggregates for concrete, Part 4
NOTE - The formula given in 3.5 may be used for calculating the load required.
3.4.3 A ''aggregate impact value'' gives a relative measure of the resistance of.
Determination of Aggregate Impact Value - CivilArc
12 Jan 2017 (i) To assess the impact value of the road aggregates; The aggregate impact
value is a calculation of the resistance to abrupt impact, bang or
AGGREGATE IMPACT VALUE (IS:2386-Part IV-1963) - CivilBlog.Org
7 May 2013 Calculation. The ratio of the weight of fines formed to the total sample weight in
each test is to be expressed as a percentage, to the first
13 Dec 2017 production of these aggregates have a negative impact on our environment. In
India value is calculated by the formula, Eq. (4). (4) The impact value and
crushing value for the aggregate produced is shown in Figs. (6 and
Aggregate Impact Value Test as per IS 2386 (Part-IV) 1993 - L T
29 Aug 2019 The aggregate should therefore have sufficient toughness to resist their
disintegration due to impact. This characteristic is measured by Impact
Home Crushing 10 fines aggregate crushing value formula. 2012-2-8 Aggregate
impact and crushing test Document Transcript. Impact, Check price. ten percent
ii) The hammer should be raised to 380mm above the upper surface of the
aggregates in the cup and allowed to fall freely onto the aggregates. The test
Ten percent fines aggregate crushing value - Chaes-Gruebi
Ten percent fines value is a measure of the resistance of aggregate crushing in
the following formula,01 03 Aggregate 10% Fines Value - Saliergeotechnical A
257/05 10.1 IDENTIFICATION Used to determine aggregate impact value.
1. objective. The aggregate impact value gives a relative measure of the
resistance of an aggregate to sudden shock or impact, which in some aggregates
differs from its resistance to a slow compressive load. 5. calculation. The ratio
of the